Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ciao Darling...

Or something like that was what you last said to me.
Well, I'm sure you said Darling. hehehe.
Not like I'm getting all hype about it. (Yes,I am)
I call everyone darling or names that relate to darling, and never really expected to get the same response. But suddenly you go and say it. hehehe

"I think I KINDA LITTLE EETY BIT fancy him". Thats what I said to Friend.
Every time I think about you now, my heart giggles. heeheeheehee...:)

Ok, something you should know about me is that I only go for guys that I can imagine myself with. Like, imagine myself with the guy and stuff.

So, like, I can sorta imagine us, yet I can't. Are we not close enough, or do I not know you enough to LIKE like you? Or is it cuz I know we're getting closer and closer each day that I think we're too much of friends to be more than that? sigh.. confusing, confusing.

You're so funny and always make me giggle. heeheeheeheehee....
And most people would say humor is a wall breaker.

What I'm saying is that you make me feel at ease. Like I can be my rough self and stupid silly stuck up self and you won't mind. Which you don't it seems. Cuz I have been like that with you since day one.

I haven't had a crush like this in a while. You would know cuz I told you that I haven't had a crush on anyone in a while. But you don't know that its you.

Wait, I don't even know if I DO really have a REAL crush on you. Like, I just..erm...fancy you? hehehehehe.

Well, we'll wait and see. *SMILES*

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